The latest research, insight and expertise on technology for good.
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Keeping up with third-party cookie consent: a roundup of recent developments in user privacy
With constant updates in the world of analytics tracking, online advertising and user privacy, it can be challenging for charities to figure out how to stay on top of it all in a way that balances the legal side of things with getting the best results from your data and marketing. We bring you updates from Google and their approach to third-party cookies.
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Mastering Gen Z Engagement: Insights from Brook
As the final part of an ongoing article series into what draws young people and Gen Z to charitable organisations, we delve into the experiences of Brook, a sexual health and wellbeing charity renowned for its profound understanding of youth needs.
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How to Write A Perfect Brief?
The Reason Digital team share the knowledge on how to write the perfect brief that will get you the proposals desire.
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General Election 2024 and Your Charity
The upcoming General Election can affect your charity and its digital estate in multiple ways, Reason Digital is here to support you and your beneficiaries.
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6 Charities That Are Leading The Way In Engaging Gen Z
In our ongoing exploration of how charities can effectively engage with Gen Z, it's crucial to understand the core strategies that resonate with this generation before delving into real-life examples.
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Ethical Uses of AI for Charities (Webinar)
Reason Digital's free webinar on the ethical uses of AI (Artificial Intelligence) hosted by co-founder Matt Haworth
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Consent is Key: What is Google Consent Mode v2?
If you work with Google products on a day-to-day basis (Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics), or just rely on Google products to carry out (part of) your job, or even if you just work with websites and digital tools, you probably have heard of Google Consent Mode v2.
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6 Things Gen Z Want From Charities
Gen Z are the first generation that grew up with access to the internet and portable digital technology. This generation has also been dubbed ‘digital natives’. This is also the generation that is showing more interest in global and local issues such as climate change, homelessness, LGBTQIA+ rights, diversity, and inclusivity, etc. Do they want more help from the charities of their choice, or do they expect more transparency? What can charities do to entice and motivate Gen Z to join as volunteers or regular donors? How can charities embrace Gen Z?
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5 reasons why charities should invest in a digital budget
What is the importance of having a digital budget for charities and what this could mean for the content they create?
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Charity branding: is your brand digital ready?
When charities mention their brand, it can refer to anything from a single logo to an online brand management site (fancy!). For something that should be a unifying banner for an organisation, the variation of what exists in charity branding, is vast. However, a recurring factor is how often digital considerations are tacked on, or missing completely.
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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for charities: what you need to know
With just over a year until Universal Analytics stops collecting data, having GA4 set up on your charity's website is becoming more and more pressing. Here's a rundown of everything you need to know about GA4 for charities, and why it's best to get moving ASAP.
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Is your charity digital strategy more than just a document?
When picturing a charity digital strategy, many of us will envisage a snazzy, online document… A PDF full of promise and potential.
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