Go from problem to prototype

Product design sprint

A quick and risk free way to find digital answers for users' real world issues

4 people discussing something round a table


  • Reduced risk

    Often, organisations spend time and money designing and developing a product that is ultimately, not fit for purpose. It may fail to meet the business needs of the organisation or the needs of the users. A product design sprint helps to remove elements of risk and can avoid costly redesigns or changes of direction further down the road.

  • Validation and testing

    Design Sprints are a highly effective way of shaping new products and identifying solutions to existing problems. By the end of a sprint any assumptions will have been validated and new products will have been tested – all through a fast and cost-effective process.

  • Clarity and alignment

    Clearing seven or eight diaries for a week of intense ideation and innovation is not always easy. But the power of bringing together a diverse, cross-functional group of people – whose buy-in you require – to collaborate, is what makes sprints and the products born out of them, a success. The structure and exercises delivered by our expert facilitators result in an aligned team of stakeholders who have complete clarity and a solid foundation for any exciting next steps.


Priced at around £10,000, a product design sprint is a quick and cost-effective way to go from problem to prototype.

The approach

Over the course of five days we will move through each stage of the product design sprint process. This quick video explains in more detail how the week will work…

Transcript to the video can be located here.

photo of christian smiling

Meet Christian


Christian is a designer with over 20 years of experience. Christian graduated in Multimedia Computing, specialising in graphic and interface design. With a broad background in everything web-related, he specialises in UX, UI, branding and is a regular in our product design sprint. Christian helps bridge the gap between design and development and is a championing voice for inclusion and accessibility.

Our experience

Digital innovation may seem overwhelming. It’s disruptive, risky and impacts people differently across your organisation. While some organisations are content with ‘moving fast and breaking things’, we know that prosocial innovation has more at stake.

As a social enterprise and a digital agency, we take a human-centred design approach to the way we tackle our clients’ business problems, we ensure appropriate focus is given to the end-user throughout. 

Interested in a design sprint?

We'd love to hear a little more about what you've got in mind. Simply fill out the form below and our team will be in touch very soon.

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