The latest research, insight and expertise on technology for good.
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Radical Accessibility: Report and Recommendations
Access the must-read report which takes a deep dive into brand new data. How inclusive and accessible have charity digital services been during Covid? Find out here...
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Five charities in the pandemic using tech for good
Too often in the media, charities can be painted as rigid, traditional organisations who don’t always adopt new, innovative practices. Ourselves and many others who work with charities to use technology for good, however, see a different story.
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7 ways charities can embrace technology to improve their services
It’s no secret that the charity sector has been one of the hardest hit by COVID-19. Between the shops closing, volunteers unable to help, and a drop in fundraising opportunities, almost every aspect of a charity’s day-to-day has been impacted. And even though stores are allowed to open again soon, the whole sector will still be feeling the effects.
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5 digital swap outs to replace your cancelled fundraising events
56% of donors regularly attend fundraising events. But many charities are now cancelling these events due to distancing guidelines and are accepting the loss in income. But you don’t have to. You can let these events run - and even plan additional events - if you get creative. It makes sense. If you’ve already done the legwork running up to the event, why waste the work?
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Twitch for charities: Supercharge your digital donations strategy and level up using Twitch
With charities being set to lose more than £4bn in just three months as a result of COVID-19, the fundraising landscape has changed drastically for the third sector. And it feels like it happened overnight. With digital fundraising hastily climbing its way to the top of the priority list as events are cancelled all over the world, there are platforms out there which charities may have never interacted with before, that are now becoming an essential part of fundraising strategies. One of these platforms is Twitch.
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12 tips on social media advertising for charities during COVID-19
As the coronavirus crisis continues, I'm seeing a flurry of social media adverts from charities flooding my timeline and feed. But how do you get your charity heard above all the noise? I've been taking note (and screenshots) as social media becomes more and more saturated with charity adverts. I’ve collated a quick list of tips on how to best get your charity noticed on social plus any potential pitfalls that may arise.
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Can AWS Wavelength help charities with AR and VR?
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) might be exciting for gamers, but charities should also be feeling the buzz.
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Animation for charities – Add digital
Looking to convey your charity's information and services in a new way? Consider animation.
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Voice technology. Can charities harness the power of words?
Voice technology is something we're all still getting to grips with. Sure, it makes flicking to the next track simple but is it eavesdropping on our lives? Does it make us lazy? In the charity sector there is a similar level of uncertainty. How can it help charities? How are organisations already using it? We decided to explore the concept of Voice in the third sector.
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Future tech trends for charities to know about
What the heck is Blockchain? How is AI relevant to our charity? What are machines spending so much time learning? We wanted to share with you what these buzzwords *actually* mean, how the third sector is using them and what social impact is being created as a result.
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Pay-it-now: why Amazon’s one-click shopping model could help housing associations protect their rental income
With the inevitable challenge of Universal Credit, housing associations must find new and more reliable ways to protect their rental income. A "good" website is often cited as one way of doing this - but what makes a housing association website truly effective in helping protect rental income?
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Ditching the coinage; digitising your wallet – the future of charitable giving
Remember being a kid? When 50p seemed like a fortune, penny sweets were all the rage and a Freddo used to cost 5p. As we grew we gained more money and more coins, until our wallets filled with an assortment of metal coins jingling and jangling about.
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