Ethical Decision Making Framework

This Ethical Decision Making Framework by Reason Digital was created with the purpose of enabling charities, individuals working in charities in any decision-making capacity to make ethical decisions. The Framework can be used on its own, or as part of other internal decision-making processes your charity might have.

Reason Digital Ethical Decision Making Framework

This Ethical Decision-Making Framework by Reason Digital was created to enable charities and individuals working in charities in any decision-making capacity to make ethical decisions. The Framework can be used on its own or as part of other internal decision-making processes your charity might have.

While this Ethical Decision-Making Framework is not solely for AI-related decision-making, by using this tool, charities can now start making informed decisions about AI or any other moral dilemma they might face on a day-to-day basis. 

Why consider having an Ethical Decision Making Framework?  

Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks can be used at an organisational, team or individual level to help you make the right decision that aligns with your charity’s and your own ethics when faced with tough decisions or ethical dilemmas.  

Firstly, your existing codes of conduct or policies might leave grey areas regarding certain situations you face at work.  

Secondly, an Ethical Decision-Making Framework can help improve the trust of stakeholders, employees, donors, and service users in your charity because you can reference the process through which you’ve arrived at a decision. For example, being able to showcase your decision-making process and use the Ethical Decision-Making Framework as a reference can entice your donors to donate more.  

Lastly, Ethical Decision-Making Framework is also applicable to multiple areas within your charity where you might be faced with ethical dilemmas, such as: donations, service delivery, AI and more. 

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