The latest research, insight and expertise on technology for good.
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Statement about Meta’s policy changes
Reason Digital's Statement on Meta's policy changes
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Ethical Uses of AI for Charities (Webinar)
Reason Digital's free webinar on the ethical uses of AI (Artificial Intelligence) hosted by co-founder Matt Haworth
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Consent is Key: What is Google Consent Mode v2?
If you work with Google products on a day-to-day basis (Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics), or just rely on Google products to carry out (part of) your job, or even if you just work with websites and digital tools, you probably have heard of Google Consent Mode v2.
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An honest conversation about our mental health
Every year we celebrate World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October. The theme for 2023, as set by the World Foundation of Mental Health is “Mental Health is a universal human right.” Two of our employees Michael and Fanni sit down to discuss their own mental health.
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Can ChatGPT work for charities?
ChatGPT is a chatbot powered by AI and has become increasingly relied upon in the industry, used to make jobs more efficient and effective. With the creation of ChatGPT, should your charity use its potential, or should you take caution before deciding to integrate something that carries weight in the form of ethical questions?
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5 times lived experience changed charity digital tools
When your charity is creating a solution that will exist to help a group of people, any notion of ‘us and them’ should be thrown out the window – along with any assumptions that could be relied on to shape the final product.
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Battling bias in UX research
Let’s all start from an embarrassing truth: we all have biases. It’s not nice to think you’re part of the problem, and harder still if you’ve ever been marginalised yourself. What we can control is noticing the biases, reducing our reliance on them and not letting our own shame get in the way of improving.
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Trauma informed design
Why design is different for charities.
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Simple steps to charity website security
Your charity website security and safety may not be the sexiest of reads... until now. Just kidding, BUT keeping your site and your users' information safe and secure is of paramount importance. Let's break down what your charity can actually do to keep on top of website security...
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The smell of Parkinson’s: A design sprint
Walking into a group meeting for people with Parkinson's, Joy Milne, a retired nurse, recognised a smell that she had noticed on her husband 12 years prior to his diagnosis. This was the smell of Parkinson's.
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The Digital Climate Strike
"Millions of school climate strikers have been leaving their classrooms every Friday. Now they hope that everyone else will join them in action."
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Screw tech ethics
Much is said about the harm digital technology does to humanity, calling for a more ‘ethical’ approach. This approach, argues our co-founder Matt Haworth, carries a risk of unintended consequence in itself, restricting the ability of innovation to make the world a better place.
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